Why Did Dr Seuss Become a Writer and the last book of Dr Seuss ever Wrote

6:10 AM

Around the world, many children and adults are familiar with the imaginative world of Dr. Seuss.
In fact, many people have celebrated by his many books for children in March his birthday is celebrated every year around the world will be affected.
If you for some creative ways to (aka Dr. Seuss) share your love of Theodore Geisel why not try one of these Dr. Seuss crafts inspired by his extensive library of stories looking at?

Yes, Dr. Seuss was a real person, although his name was Dr. Seuss and he was called Ted.
He wrote more than 40 books for children and all of them remain popular to this day because he read so much fun. Its success is its use of controlled vocabulary, simple text, humor, repetition, rhyme, attributed his choice of words, imaginative illustrations and original characters.
The books teach the skills that need young readers and inspire them to continue their reading journey.
n recent years of the war, he began children's stories, starting with "And to think that I saw it on Mulberry Street".

Was the time of his death in September 1991, 200 million copies of his books sold translated into 15 different languages ​​and distribution continue as children (and adults) to rise throughout the world to discover and uncover his delightful stories. At the same time learning valuable lessons in tolerance, because in spite of their differences, all his characters are as important as anyone else, as he says: "A person's a person no matter how small" (from Horton Hears a portrayed).

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